Suds up me hearties, yo ho! It’s the pirate’s life for me... Yeah, no thanks. Living on a rickety old ship while sweating in the sun with a bunch of stinky dudes with scurvy? I’m good. I’d rather spend my time sudsing up in the shower with this here bar of Blackbeard’s Delight soap. It’s 100% scurvy-free!
I stumbled on Cellardoor about six months ago and this scent is my absolute favorite. English gentleman is a very close second. I wish this scent was available in the Lockhart pomade like sex machine is!
Dan O.
Brutally Awesome
To me, this is the brother soap of "Dapper Dan", with a darker spice-forward scent. Kind of like if Edward Teach teamed up with Jack Daniel after a long day of conquest and bootleg. Both are incredible, like a fine rum to a fine whiskey. Can't go wrong either way. Honestly, get both. Totally worth it. Or if want a masculine soap rich with aromatic warmth, look no further than Blackbeard.
I'm just going to throw this out there, Blackbeard was a pirate, not a viking. That said, brutally awesome soap! Cheers!
Monte deforest
Dont stop making this soap please
I was given this soap as a Christmas gift.
The smell is awesome, rinses clean.
I was hoping it was available in a liquid soap.
Either way take it from a guys guy.
I thought soap was siapchanged my mi
It doesn't get more classic than this candle. A very nice, soft christmas scent. Frank and Myrrh along with the haunted woods scent in the Halloween collection are staples in my house!